‘m currently giving away my Non-Boring Travel Money Guide – free on Kindle. Sorry it’s back to it’s regular, but reasonable price of $3.99. (If you don’t have a Kindle, which personally I think is the best piece of travel gear invented EVER, you can still read it with a free Kindle app. This is the third in my Non-Boring Travel Guide series.
Why free? It’s a marketing strategy, if I get enough people to download the free book, then when it goes back to being paid in a day or so, I will be show up more prominently on Amazon, and hopefully I’ll get more sales!
It’s actually my longest book – the paper version (no not free) runs to 160 pages, and I like to think that some of it’s useful – here’s the summary table of contents anyways.
And that link again – and it’s available on all the Amazons – just change the amazon.com with amazon.co.uk, amazon.de or whatever http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009SGITDW